Another year! Another Anniversary for Air4u Limited
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Another year! Another Anniversary for Air4u Limited

Another year! Another Anniversary for Air4u Limited

Another year has passed and Air4u Limited is 9 years old this month!  Where has that time gone? There have been a few changes with some good and some bad times over the past year. In September 2022, we welcomed our first ever apprentice, Flynn Bennett.... read more »

Is your Air Compressor overheating?

Is your Air Compressor overheating?

With the current hot weather, it is not only us that feels the heat! Whilst overheating is a relatively common issue that affects Air Compressors, the occasional extreme heat experienced during summer could cause problems in your Compressed Air System. Or, intensify already existing... read more »

The importance of having a back-up Compressed Air System

The importance of having a back-up Compressed Air System

Have you ever wondered if you need a Back-up Air Compressor? Why is it important to have a Back-up Compressed Air system?  For companies that rely on compressed air for their business, it is essential to have a back-up compressed air system in place. If... read more »

Jamie (Jay) Fear

Jamie (Jay) Fear

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death of our colleague and friend Jamie (Jay) Fear on the 25th May 2023. He was a valued member of our team and we will miss his friendly nature and his charming personality.... read more »

What Air Quality Class do you need for your application?

What Air Quality Class do you need for your application?

Recently we have been carrying out extensive works to improve the air quality on a customer premises. We thought it might be a good idea to relook at ISO8573-1 air quality and what it means. Different applications require different compressed air quality levels to deliver... read more »

Air Compressor Pipework Installation

Air Compressor Pipework Installation

Looking to modify an existing installation or looking for a new Air Compressor Pipework Installation? Air4u Group can provide a free consultation on Compressed Air Systems and will help you to design a Pipework System to suit your needs.  Running new pipework for air compressors is... read more »

The two main types of Rotary Screw Compressors

The two main types of Rotary Screw Compressors

The two main types of rotary screw compressors are: VSD Compressor and Fixed Speed Compressor.  VSD stands for variable speed drive. Hidden behind these letters is inverter technology that automatically adjusts the compressor’s motor speed to the compressed air demand in real time. This often... read more »

24-Hour Emergency Service for Your Air Compressor Needs

24-Hour Emergency Service for Your Air Compressor Needs

The Air4u Limited service team are dedicated to going the extra mile to meet the needs of our customers in an Air Compressor emergency. No matter the issue, we will resolve it, or find someone who can help you with your issue. 24/7 phone support,... read more »

Why should I service my Air Compressor?

Why should I service my Air Compressor?

The common example that most people can relate this to, is maintaining your car. Preventative maintenance looks like changing your oil and filters regularly, checking brakes and tyres and replacing aging parts after a certain number of miles. If you stay on top of these... read more »

Preventative Maintenance Plan

Preventative Maintenance Plan

Have you ever considered a Preventative Maintenance Plan, also known as an Annual Service Contract? What is a Preventative Maintenance Plan / Annual Service Contact? A Preventive Maintenance Plan / Annual Service Contract (ASC) offers on-time servicing by trained engineers, tailored to your business and site... read more »