Compressed Air Dryers: Your Guide
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Compressed Air Dryers: Your Guide


Over the next series of blogs, we will discuss the different types of Compressed Air Dryers and how they work.

In lots of different industrial settings, dry compressed air is essential. In these instances, compressed air dryers are used to make sure the end-product is moisture-free.

The importance of having compressed air dryers

Lots of working environments are particularly water sensitive. Moisture can contaminate the end product and equipment. In particularly cold environments, water particles can also lead to frozen pipes, corrosion, and other important issues. For example, malfunctioning of controls or impairment of tools. This can make you lose time, money, and production quality.

Compressed air dryers are filtering systems that rid your compressed air of moisture created during the compression process. It makes sure that your compressed air is high-quality and free of harmful moisture that could damage your equipment or have a negative effect during use.

Compressed air filters, on the other hand, filter the air from other impurities like dust and gases.

How do compressed air dryers work?

How your compressed air dryer works depends on the type of air dryer you have. Each uses a different technique to produce the same result: providing dry compressed air for your air system to work with.

Essentially, compressed air dryers suppress the dew point of air by removing any remaining water particles. The air that gets compressed can contain moisture that might be harmful to your systems and processes. Especially in pharmaceutical and food industries it’s paramount to have clean, dry compressed air. 

How do I choose the right air dryer?

When looking for an industrial air dryer, there are many different models to choose from and it’s easy to get lost. If you follow these tips, you’re on your way to the perfect air compressor and treatment for your business.

  • Stick to the air quality you need for your business, no higher or lower.
  • Make sure you take into account the longevity of your systems. Investing in high-end systems now will cut down costs tremendously in the long run, saving time and money.
  • Get support from Air4U to make sure you can trust your choice.

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