Written Scheme of Examination

What is a 'Written Scheme of Examination'?
A Written Scheme of Examination (WSE), is a legal document required prior to use of Pressure Systems. This is legislated by UK Regulations 'Pressure System Safety Regulations (PSSR) 2000' which came into force in February 2000.
These regulations require that the 'User/Owner' of a pressure system can show that they are aware of safe operating limits of the pressure system. This is mainly regarding pressure and temperature and that they are safe to use.
It states that it is the 'Responsibility of the User/Owner' to ensure that a Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) has been drawn up and has the relevant Certificate in place. They will not allow the system to be operated unless they have a suitable Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) in place written by a 'competent person'.
A 'competent person' means an individual person (not an employee) or an organisation who provides inspection services, who can carry out an examination of Compressed Air systems to assess that it is safe to use and is sufficiently maintained and serviced. They check for defects which may be dangerous or cause an injury. WE CAN ARRANGE FOR A 'COMPETENT PERSON' TO ATTEND YOUR SITE AND DRAW UP AND CERTIFY YOUR COMPRESSOR SYSTEM.
The types of systems that require a Written Scheme are:
- Compressed Air Systems, including Air Receivers
- Protective devices e.g., pressure gauges, pipework, safety valves and switch.
Once the Written Scheme has been drawn up and the relevant items have been examined, it will then be established how often these examinations are required. The Written Scheme should be reviewed and revised throughout the lifespan of the system e.g., the system will require more regular examinations and checks as it gets older. It is the User/Owners responsibility to make sure this is carried out by a 'competent person' to ensure it remains current and suitable for the Compressed Air System. The best way to make sure that your system is working efficiently, economically and safely, is to carry out regular maintenance and get your Compressor serviced regularly.
if you are unsure if you need a Written Scheme or require advice, please call us on 01903 257213 or please follow the link to send us an email at : sales@air4ultd.co.uk